In Python, operators are symbols and used to perform a specific operation on given values. Python has a rich collection of operators, we will learn here.
Types of Operators in Python
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
Arithmetic Operators (Mathematical Operators)
Arithmetic or Mathematical operators in Python are used to perform mathematical tasks.
Operator | Description |
+ | For Addition |
– | For Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Divison |
// | Floor Divison |
% | Remainder of Division (modulus) |
** | Exponent |
Example 1: Arithmetic operators in Python.
#Example of Arithmetic operators in Python
print("Addition =",c)
print("Subtract =",c)
print("Multiply =",c)
print("Divison =",c)
print("Floor Divison =",c)
print("Remainder =",c)
print("Power =",c)
Assignment Operators
Assign a value to a variable, the assignment operator is used.
Operator | Example |
= | a=5, 5 assign to variable a |
+= | a=a+b can also write as a+=b |
-= | a=a-b can also write as a-=b |
*= | a=a*b can also write as a*=b |
/= | a=a/b can also write as a/=b |
//= | a=a//b can also write as a//=b |
%= | a=a%b can also write as a%=b |
**= | a=a**b can also write as a**=b |
Relational Operator (Comparison Operator)
A relational operator compares or check the relation of two operands and return Boolean value as a result.
Operator | Description |
< | Less then |
> | Greater then |
<= | Less then or Equal |
>= | Greater then or equal |
== | Equal to |
!= | Not equal to |
Example 2: Relational operators in Python
#Example of Relational operators in Python
Logical Operators
Logical operators in Python are used to combine relational expression and return boolean value as a result.
Operator | Name | Description |
and | Logical AND | Return TRUE if all expression is true, otherwise FALSE. |
or | Logical OR | Return TRUE if all or any one expression is true, otherwise FALSE. |
not | Logical NOT | Reverse the state of the expression(True expression to False and False to True). |
Example 3: Logical operators in Python
#Example of Logical operators in Python
print(a>0 and a<100)
print(a>0 and a>100)
print(a>0 or a<100)
print(a>0 or a>100)
print(a>0 and a<100)
print(not a>0)
Bitwise Operators in Python
Bitwise operators are used to working with binary numbers. Decimal numbers are converted into binary first, then bitwise operator works on each bit
Operators | Description |
& | Bitwise AND |
| | Bitwise OR |
^ | Bitwise XOR |
~ | Bitwise Complement |
<< | Left Shift |
>> | Right Shift |
Example 4: Bitwise operators in Python
#Example of Bitwise operators in Python
print("Bitwise And",a & b)
# 00001011 & 00000011, result 00000011 ( 3 as Decimal)
print("Bitwise Or",a | b)
# 00001011 | 00000011, result 00001011 ( 11 as Decimal)
print("Bitwise XOR",a ^ b)
# 00001011 ^ 00000011, result 00001000 ( 8 as Decimal)
print("Bitwise Complement",~a)
# 2's Complement
print("Left Shift",a << b)
# 00001011 << 3, result 01011000 ( 88 as Decimal), remove 3 digit from left and add three 0 to right
print("Right Shift",a >> b)
# 00001011 >> 3, result 00000001 ( 1 as Decimal), remove 3 digit from right and add three 0 to left
Membership Operators
Membership Operators in Python is used test value is in object or not. It returns a boolean value as a result.
Operators | Description |
in | Returns True, if the value or variable is present in sequence. |
not in | Returns True, if the value or variable is not present in sequence. |
Example 5: Membership operators in Python
#Example of Membership operators in Python
print(11 in n)
print(11 not in n)
Identity Operators
Identity operators in Python are used to compare the objects and return boolean value as a result.
Operators | Description |
is | Returns True, if both the value or variable is the same object. |
is not | Returns True, if both the value or variable is not the same object. |
Example 6: Identity operators in Python
#Example of Identity operators in Python
print(n is 10)
print(n is not 10)