HTML Questions

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HTML Questions

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1. The tags in HTML are –

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2. What is the correct syntax for iframe tag?

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3. What is the correcct syntax for creating a link on a web page?

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4. In the code below, what is the purpose of the id attribute? < p id=”warning” > Hello World < /p >

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5. which element is used for a line break?

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6. Which tag is used to display a clickable button?

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7. Which of the following tag is used for inserting the largest heading in HTML

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8. Text within EM tag is displayed as

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9. Which of the following attribute triggers event after the document is printed?

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10. Which code will led text wrap down the side of the image ?

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11. A block level element of the HTML always starts on a

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12. What if one does not use the doctype in the starting of HTML document?

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13. Which of the following HTML code will make an image clickable?

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14. How are quotations defined in HTML?

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15. In HTML, tags that include both on and off tag are called

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