A program that takes hours and minutes as input, and calculates the total number of minutes.

Here, we have a basic program example to calculate the total number of minutes from a given input using different languages. This program is created in c language, c++, Java, and Python.

Program to calculate total number of minutes in C language

void main()
    int hours, mins, total_min;
    printf("Enter the hours: ");
    printf("Enter the minutes: ");
    total_min = hours * 60 + mins;
    printf("total minute = %d ", total_min);

Program to calculate total number of minutes in C++ language

using namespace std;
int main()
    int hours, mins, total_min;
    cout<<"Enter the hours: ";
    cout<<"Enter the minutes: ";
    total_min = hours * 60 + mins;
    cout<<"total minutes = " << total_min;

Program to calculate total number of minutes in Python language

hours = int(input("Enter the hours: "))
mins = int(input("Enter the minutes: "))
total_min = hours * 60 + mins
print("Total minutes are : ", total_min)

Program to calculate total number of minutes in Java language

import java.util.Scanner;
public class time
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int hours, mins, total_mins;
        Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter the hours: ");
        hours = s.nextInt();
        System.out.print("Enter the minutes: ");
        mins = s.nextInt();
        total_mins = hours * 60 + mins ;
	System.out.println("Total minutes are : "+total_mins);