Program to display multiplication table for a given integer.

Here, we have a basic program example to display the multiplication table using different languages. This program is created in c language, c++, Java, and Python. Code to display multiplication table in C language Code to display multiplication table in C++ language Code to display multiplication table in Python language Code to display multiplication table…

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A program which computes the area of various geometrical shapes using a menu-driven approach.

Here, we have a basic program example to calculate area of different shapes driven by a menu approach using different languages. This program is created in c language, c++, Java, and Python. Program to calculate are of different shapes in C language Program to calculate are of different shapes in C++ language Program to calculate…

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Program to accept grade and declare the equivalent description.

Here, we have a basic program example to print description given below on the user input grade using different languages. description for reference: Grade Description E     Excellent V     Very Good G     Good A     Average F     Fail This program is created in c language, c++, Java, and Python. Description for user input grade in C language…

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