Program to calculate and print the electricity bill of a given customer. The customer ID, name, and unit consumed by the user should be captured from the keyboard to display the total amount to be paid to the customer.

Here, we have a basic program example to calculate the electricity bill using different languages. The charge are as follow : Unit  Charge/unit upto 199   @1.20 200 and above but less than 400  @1.50 400 and above but less than 600  @1.80 600 and above    @2.00 If bill exceeds Rs. 400 then a surcharge of…

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Program to read temperature in centigrade and display a suitable message according to the temperature state below: Temp < 0 then Freezing weather Temp 0-10 then Very Cold weather Temp 10-20 then Cold weather Temp 20-30 then Normal in Temp Temp 30-40 then Its Hot Temp >=40 then Its Very Hot

Here, we have a basic program example to display a message according to the given temperature using different languages. This program is created in c language, c++, Java, and Python. Program to display message for the given temperature in C language Program to display message for the given temperature in C++ language Program to display…

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Program to read the roll no, name and marks of three subjects and calculate the total, percentage and division.

Here, we have a basic program example to calculate the total marks percentage and division using different languages. This program is created in c language, c++, Java, and Python. Program to calculate total marks and percentage of a student in C language Program to calculate total marks and percentage of a student in C++ language…

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A program to determine eligibility for admission to a professional course based on the following criteria: Eligibility Criteria : Marks in Maths >=65 and Marks in Phy >=55 and Marks in Chem>=50 and Total in all three subject >=190 or Total in Maths and Physics >=140.

Here, we have a basic program example to determine the eligibility for admission process using different languages. This program is created in c language, c++, Java, and Python. Program to determine the eligibility for admission process in C language Program to determine the eligibility for admission process in C++ language Program to determine the eligibility…

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