Program in C++ to display all the leap years between two given years. If there is no leap year in the given period then display an appropriate message.

In the above C++ program to display all the leap years between two given years, we have used conditional statements in a user defined function. And in the main function the user-defined function is called along with the values of the year entered by the user. Sample Output: Enter two years to specify the range:…

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A program in C++ that reads an integer n and prints a twin prime that has the maximum size among twin primes less than or equal to n.

In the above C++ program to prints a twin prime that has the maximum size among twin primes less than or equal to the given number, we need to understand that A twin prime is a prime number that is either 2 less or 2 more than another prime number—for example, either member of the…

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A program in python to check if a triangle is an equilateral or an isosceles or a scalene triangle.

In the above Python program to check if a triangle is an equilateral or an isosceles or a scalene triangle, we will use conditional statements which will give us the desired results. For Equilateral triangle all sides should be equal, For Isosceles triangle any two sides should be equal and if no sides are equal…

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