CSS Questions March 14, 2023 | No Comments 0 votes, 0 avg 458 123456789101112131415 CSS Questions 1 / 15 1. Which of the following property sets list-style-type, list-style-position, and liststyle-image? A. style B. list-style C. menu-style D. img-style 2 / 15 2. The CSS property that is equivalent to the align attribute is: A. text-align B. float C. text-align and float D. center 3 / 15 3. What changes the shadow from an outer shadow? A. initial B. inset C. inherit D. offset 4 / 15 4. Which of the following selector selects all element of E that have the attribute attr that end with the given value? A. E[attr^=value] B. E[attr$=value] C. E[attr*=value] D. E[attr&=value] 5 / 15 5. Which of the following Viewport Property determines whether the display can be zoomed in and out? A. scale B. set-scale C. adjust-scale D. user-scalable 6 / 15 6. The default value of “position” attribute is___________ A. fixed B. absolute C. inherit D. relative 7 / 15 7. Which of these would give a block element rounded corners? A. corner-curve:10px; B. border-corner:10px C. border-radius:10px; D. corner-radius:10px; 8 / 15 8. Identify the outline property that specifies the amount of area extended beyond the border box. A. outset3d B. inset C. outset D. inset3d 9 / 15 9. Which of the following is the Color Format that is the CSS3 HSL value with a fourth value to set the alpha channel value for the color to define the opacity of the element? A. HSLa Color B. HSL Color C. RGBa Color D. RGB Color 10 / 15 10. Which of the following is not value for the font-stretch(Font descriptor)? A. normal B. 50% C. expanded D. ultra-expanded 11 / 15 11. Which of the following CSS property defines the different properties of all four sides of an element’s border in a single declaration? A. border-collapse B. border-width C. padding D. border 12 / 15 12. Which statement regarding icon fonts is true? A. Icon fonts can be inserted only using JavaScript. B. Icon fonts can be styled with typography-related properties such as font-size and color. C. Icon fonts are inserted as inline images. D. Icon fonts require browser extension. 13 / 15 13. Which of the following media query describe output style portrait if height is greater than or equal to width, landscape if the opposite? A. grid B. monochrome C. resolution D. orientation 14 / 15 14. If we don’t want to allow a floating div to the left side of an element, which CSS property will we use? A. margin B. clear C. float D. padding 15 / 15 15. How would you make the first letter of every paragraph on the page red? A. p::first-letter{color:red;} B. p:first-letter{color:red;} C. first-letter::p{color:red;} D. first-letter:p{color:red;} Your score is The average score is 50% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Questions, Quiz