HTML Questions March 1, 2023 | No Comments 0 votes, 0 avg 866 123456789101112131415 HTML Questions 1 / 15 1. Which tag is used to display a clickable button? A. <input type="submit"></input> B. <input type="btn"></input> C. <input type="button"></input> D. <input type="click"></input> 2 / 15 2. Which of the following is the correct syntax for using the HTML style attribute? A. B. C. D. 3 / 15 3. Which of the following tag is used for inserting the largest heading in HTML A. <head></head> B. <h6></h6> C. <h1></h1> D. <heading></heading> 4 / 15 4. In which part of the HTML metadata is contained? A. head tag B. title tag C. html tag D. body tag 5 / 15 5. Which code will led text wrap down the side of the image ? A. <img src= “myImage.gif” wrap= “on”/> B. <img src= “myImage.gif” align= “wrap”/> C. <img src= “myImage.gif” align= “right”/> D. none of the above 6 / 15 6. Which element is used to get highlighted text in HTML5? A. <u></u> B. <mark></mark> C. <highlight></highlight> D. <b></b> 7 / 15 7. Which of the following tag does not require a terminator? A. <u></u> B. <br></br> C. <b></b> D. <li></li> 8 / 15 8. Which of the following statement is true? A. Attribute names must be in uppercase B. Attribute values must be quoted C. Attribute minimization is mandatory D. Attribute values should not be quoted 9 / 15 9. What is the correct way to code a link that, when clicked, will send an email to with a subject of “Hello”? A. <a href=”mailto:email@example.com_subject=Hello”>Click me</a> B. <a href=””>Hello</a> C. <a href=””>Click me</a> D. <a href=””>Click me</a> 10 / 15 10. Which of the following is used to read an HTML page and render it? A. Web Server B. Web Network C. Web Browser D. Web Matrix 11 / 15 11. Which tag is used to create a dropdown in HTML Form? A. <input></input> B. <select></select> C. <dropdown></dropdown> D. <text></text> 12 / 15 12. which element is used for a line break? A. <lb></lb> B. </> C. <br></br> D. <break></break> 13 / 15 13. Which HTML element is used to define description data? A. <li></li> B. <ol></ol> C. <dd></dd> D. <dl></dl> 14 / 15 14. Text within EM tag is displayed as A. bold B. italic C. list D. indented 15 / 15 15. Which of the following attribute triggers event the browser starts to load the media data? A. onloadmetadata B. onloadstart C. onload D. onstart Your score is The average score is 48% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Questions, Quiz