Program to calculate profit and loss on a transaction.

Here, we have a basic program example to calculate profit and loss using different languages. This program is created in c language, c++, Java, and Python.

Program to calculate profit and loss in C language

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
    int cost_price,selling_price, profit_amnt;
    printf("Input Cost Price: ");
    scanf("%d", &cost_price);
    printf("Input Selling Price: ");
    scanf("%d", &selling_price);

        profit_amnt = selling_price-cost_price;
        printf("\nYou can booked your profit amount : %d\n", profit_amnt);
    else if(cost_price>selling_price)
        profit_amnt = cost_price-selling_price;
        printf("\nYou got a loss of amount : %d\n", profit_amnt);
        printf("\nYou are running in no profit no loss condition.\n");

Program to calculate profit and loss in C++ language

using namespace std;
int main()
    int cost_price,selling_price, profit_amnt;
    cout<<"Input Cost Price: ";
    cout<<"Input Selling Price: ";

        profit_amnt = selling_price-cost_price;
        cout<<"\nYou can booked your profit amount : "<< profit_amnt;
    else if(cost_price>selling_price)
        profit_amnt = cost_price-selling_price;
        cout<<"\nYou got a loss of amount : "<<profit_amnt;
        cout<<"\nYou are running in no profit no loss condition.\n";

Program to calculate profit and loss in Python language

cost_price = int(input("Input cost price: "))
selling_price = int(input("Input cost price: "))
                    profit_amnt = selling_price-cost_price
                    print("\nYou can booked your profit amount : ", profit_amnt)             
                    profit_amnt = cost_price-selling_price
                    print("\nYou got a loss of amount : ", profit_amnt)
                     print("\nYou are running in no profit no loss condition.\n")

Program to calculate profit and loss in Java language

import java.util.*;
public class price {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int cost_price, selling_price, profit_amnt;

	   Scanner s=new Scanner(;
	   System.out.println("Input Cost Price:  ");
	   cost_price = s.nextInt();
           System.out.println("Input Selling Price:  ");
	   selling_price = s.nextInt();

        profit_amnt = selling_price-cost_price;
        System.out.println("You can booked your profit amount : "+profit_amnt);
    else if(cost_price>selling_price)
        profit_amnt = cost_price-selling_price;
        System.out.println("You got a loss of amount : "+profit_amnt);
        System.out.println("You are running in no profit no loss condition.");
