C++ program to swap two variables without using a third variable.

In the above C++ program to swap two numbers without using a third variable, we have used arithmetic logic to get the desired result.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
        cout << "\n\n Swap two numbers without using third variable:\n";
        cout << "---------------------------------------------------\n";
        int num1, num2, temp;
        cout << " Input first number : ";
        cin >> num1 ;
        cout << " Input second number : ";
        cin >> num2;
    cout << " After swapping the first number is : "<< num1 <<"\n" ;
    cout << " After swapping the second number is : "<< num2 <<"\n\n" ;

Sample Output:
Input first number : 45
Input second number : 76
After swapping the first number is : 76
After swapping the second number is : 45