React Questions

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React Questions

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1. If you created a component called Dish and rendered it to the DOM, what type of element would be rendered?

 functioDish() {
  return < h1 > Mac and Cheese < /h1 > ;

ReactDOM.render(< Dish > , document.getElementById('root'));

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2. How can you optimize performance for a function component that always renders the same way?

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3. React Js is ______based architecture approach

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4. What is a react.js in MVC?

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5. What will happen if you render an input element with disabled = {false}?

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6.  If you want to import just the Component from the React library, what syntax do you use?

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7. When rendering a list using the JavaScript map() method, what is required for each element rendered?

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8. Which of the following is NOT a rule for React Hooks?

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9. Which of the following function is used to change the state of the React.js component?

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10.  What are the two ways to handle data in React?

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11. Which of the following is the correct data flow sequence of flux concept?

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12. What function allows you to render React content in an HTML page?

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13. Find the bug in this code :

  function car({make, model}) {
  return < h1 > {make} {model} < /h1 > ;

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14. What is the difference between the click behaviors of these two buttons (assuming that this.handleClick is bound correctly)?

A. < button onClick={this.handleClick} > Click Me < /button >  < /code> < /pre >

B. < button onClick={event => this.handleClick(event)}> Click Me < /button > 

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15. Regarding JSX attributes, Which of the following statement is true?

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