Java – Operators

Here, we will learn about operators in java. Operators are symbols, which perform a specific task on given values. For example +,-,* are Java operators for the arithmetical operations. Java has many different types of operators, we will discuss all of them here. Types of Operators in Java Java has many different types of Operators,…

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Java – Variables and Data Types

In this, java variables and data types tutorial, we learn how to declare a variable in java and what is data types in java. Let’s start with an example to declare variable and data type. Example: Addition of two numbers. In the above example you need to look at the first line in main() method…

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Java – First Step

Before we start, we should have JDK and a Text Editor installed in our PC. JDK is software for java development and, the text editor is an application where we write Java code. What is JDK? The Java Development Kit (JDK) is software for Java programs. The JDK is consist of JVM and the JRE….

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