A program in C++ to calculate the factorial of a given number by using recursion.

To understand the above C++ program to calculate the factorial of a number using recursion, we need to understand what is recursion first. Recursion is a method in C++ which calls itself directly or indirectly until a suitable condition is met. In this method, we repeatedly call the function within the same function, and it…

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Program in C++ that accepts different numbers n as well as an integer s which is equal to the sum of the n different numbers. Find the number of combinations of n numbers.

The above C++ program that accepts different numbers n as well as an integer s which is equal to the sum of the n different numbers, can be understood with the following example : If n = 3 and s = 6:1 + 2 + 3 = 60 + 1 + 5 = 60 +…

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Program in C++ to display all the leap years between two given years. If there is no leap year in the given period then display an appropriate message.

In the above C++ program to display all the leap years between two given years, we have used conditional statements in a user defined function. And in the main function the user-defined function is called along with the values of the year entered by the user. Sample Output: Enter two years to specify the range:…

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